Moving Forward: Start A New Life After Divorce

Schwartz, Fox & Saltzman, LLC. – Philadelphia Divorce Lawyers

People oftentimes have issues in their relationships and need answers to pressing legal questions. They need information to assist them in making decisions about their future, but aren’t quite at a decision point. Simply put, getting to decision point requires information from a lawyer.

Not being at decision point is ok. Needing information to get to that decision point is logical. Before you are ready to move forward, a person may be asking themselves:

  1. If I separate from my spouse, am I responsible for the payment of Support to the other party or will I receive Support? How much?
  2. My spouse has a business and I need to know how that business will be valued? Am I entitled to any portion of that value?
  3. Is Pennsylvania an alimony state? How is alimony calculated?
  4. My spouse wants equal custody. Is that possible? How is that decided? What are the issues?
  5. If I divorce, I’d like to move with the children back to my home state, where my family is located. Can I do that? What are the issues?

These are all good questions, but there are other, more basic questions. What style of divorce, child custody or support model am I most comfortable with? There are options:

MEDIATION: In Mediation, the parties agree to meet with a Mediator. They agree to negotiate, in good faith, with the other party and come to agreements regarding the issues of your divorce or separation, custody and support matters.

COLLABORATIVE LAW: In this model, the parties agree that they will forgo litigation and court. They agree that they will each hire a lawyer trained in Collaborative Law. They may agree to hire other professionals, if deemed necessary by them, who are also specially trained, to work with the parties to assist in resolving the issues. These professionals, other than lawyers, can be a psychologist, financial planner, accountant or other professional.

LITIGATION:  This is the traditional model, where the parties go to Court. If the parties, through their lawyer, cannot reach agreements, a Judge decides the division of property, support, custody and other related issues.

Having questions is good. Getting answers to those questions is better. The lawyers at SchwartzJordan Law Group are happy to sit down with you, go through the facts, which are unique to your or your client’s situation and give advice on what you should do today.

Get clarity and focus. We are happy to help.

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