Effective July 4, 2018, there has been a major change in the Child Custody Law in Pennsylvania.
Before that date, it was difficult for people who were not parents, step-parents or grandparents to obtain custody rights. That will all change.
Effective that date, ANY individual who can establish that they:
Have assumed; or
Are willing to assume:
- responsibility for a child; and
- The person has a sustained, substantial and sincere interest in the welfare of the child; and
- Neither parent has any form of care or control of the child.
May file for custody of the child. Again, this is ANY individual who meets these requirements. This means that if a third-party care giver has had a child not related to them in a relationship where they can prove A-C above, they have an opportunity to gain custody of the child.
There are other requirements to be met. The language above states the general requirements.
We urge you to contact a good family lawyer if you are interested in discussing this.