
Schwartz, Fox & Saltzman, LLC. – Philadelphia Divorce Lawyers

Pennsylvania Family Law Newsletters

Fighting the Good Fight: Not All Cases Can Be Negotiated

Good family lawyers resolve their client’s cases. That statement is true. We certainly make every effort to do so. There are, however, cases which will not settle. This occurs for a number of reasons, which for the purposes of this discussion, are not relevant. Just know that fighting the good fight is something we do in the appropriate case. What does “fighting the good fight” entail?

Finding The Right Family Law Attorney For You

Once you have decided to hire an attorney in a Family Law matter, be it Divorce, Custody, Support, Division of Property, Protection from Abuse, drafting a Pre- or Post- Marital Agreement, or some related area of Family Law, the next issue becomes how one goes about finding the right attorney for you. It can be very confusing.

Rather than discussing “how” to go about finding the right lawyer, whether it be by referral by a friend or another professional, research over the internet, or some other method, below you will find the factors we believe are important in making this decision.

Not Too Early to Discuss School Choice with Other Parent

If a person has a child approaching kindergarten in the Fall of 2020, or a child in 8th grade and ready to begin High School, choice of school issues should now be front and center.

We, at the Schwartz, Fox & Saltzman, LLC Firm, believe, and advise our clients, that the Fall season, of the year before the beginning of the following school year, is the appropriate time to determine if parents are in agreement regarding school choice. If not, a Petition for Custody (if parties have no custody order) or a Petition to Modify an existing order, should be filed right away.

Pennsylvania Legislature Recognizes Collaborative Law

In keeping with other States, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by the stroke of Governor Tom Wolf’s pen, signed into law the Pennsylvania Collaborative Law Act, on June 28, 2018. This action by the Governor served to recognize the validity of this alternative divorce process. Collaborative Law is an alternative to both a Mediation process and

PA Court Speaks on High-Income Child Support Payments

In high income child support cases (high income is defined by law as cases in which the net incomes of the parties combined exceeds $30,000.00 per month), in order to avoid unduly large support results, the Trial Court must consider the “reasonable needs” of the child or children. This ruling resulted in the case Hanrahan

Custody Law Update: We Fight for Step-Parent Rights

***CUSTODY LAW UPDATE*** Effective July 4, 2018, there has been a major change in the Child Custody Law in Pennsylvania. Before that date, it was difficult for people who were not parents, step-parents or grandparents to obtain custody rights. That will all change. Effective that date, ANY individual who can establish that they: Have assumed;

Contempt Of Support Orders: Avoid This At All Costs

Support Contempt actions are instituted once a Payor, for what can be a multitude of reasons, falls behind or fails to pay his or her Support obligation through the statewide PACSES system or through some other Agreement entered into between parties to a support or alimony action. Punishment mechanisms are statutorily in place if necessary

Support: Child, Spousal, Alimony Pendente Lite, & Alimony

If you have a minor child and you aren’t living with that child’s other parent, you are likely either paying or receiving child support or will be at some point in time while the child is under 18 years of age. This Newsletter is a very basic introduction to the various types of “Support” in

Achieving Your Custody Goals: Five Important Tips

Achieving your Custody goals, in some cases, is not a process that ends at your first scheduled Custody Conference or Hearing. Many times, it is a process. Persistence, good behavior and compliance oftentimes are the keys to a party enjoying fulfilling Custody time with their children or grandchildren. Unfortunately, the process can be lengthily and

Earning Capacity in Support Matters: Impacts on Alimony

Let’s start with the premise that Pennsylvania is an Earning Capacity state. What is earning capacity and how can it impact your Support Order? First, a person cannot intentionally decrease their income, with the hope that this intentional decrease will result in a lower support Order. Let’s take the case of a fictional couple, Donnie

Flat Fee Or Hourly Billing What’s Right For Me?

Traditionally, Family Lawyers bill their clients one way…hourly. However, there is an alternative. That alternative is Flat Fee Lawyering. Clearly, however, not every case is right for Hourly Lawyering and not every case is right for Flat Fee Lawyering. We, at SchwartzJordan, offer both options. You choose which method is right for you, up front,

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